Wednesday 3 February 2016

Where did you get that hat?

On our way from Bahia to Manta today we took a short detour to Montecristi which is essentially the home of the Panama hat.

As I am sure you all know, the only connection between the Panama Hat and Panama is that the hats which were always made in Ecuador were shipped like most products via the Isthmus of Panama and as a result were worn by many of the people working on the Canal to protect them from the sun. The hat was popularised - in the US at least - by President Theodore Roosevelt who was pictured wearing one when he visited the Canal works in 1904.

They are made from the straw of the Toquilla palm which is woven into hats in villages in the surrounding area and then taken to Montecristi to be finished. The highest grades - superfinos - can take up to 3-4 months to weave and cost more than $2000.

 Since my last genuine Panama was destroyed by a sudden heavy rain shower last spring, this was definitely on my shopping list although I settled for a slightly lesser grade - and a substantially lower cost - but was assured that it had still taken 4-6 weeks to weave and finish.

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